Avocent 1024 manual Other Console Main Menu Options, Security Configuration

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16DSR1024 Switch Installer/User Guide

Other Console Main Menu Options

Besides the Network Configuration option, the Console Main menu of the DSR1024 switch features the following menu items: Security Configuration, Firmware Management, Enable Debug Messages, Keyboard Layout Configuration, Display Version Information, Rename DSRIQ, Restore Factory Defaults, Reset Appliance and Exit. Each is discussed below.

Security Configuration

The DSR switch contains an internal database that may be used by the DSR Remote Operations software or the SETUP port if the DSView Server software is unavailable. The DSR1024 switch contains an internal database that may be used by the DSR Remote Operations software or the SETUP port if the DSView Server is unavailable.

The Security Configuration menu contains the following options:

Local User Accounts: Add, edit or delete users to/from the DSR1024 switch database.

Console Password: Enable or disable using security for the console (access requires an Admin account).

Reset Certificates: Reset the certificate used by the DSView software system.

Secure Mode: Enable or disable the DSView software Secure mode.

Local User Accounts

NOTE: When you use the options to add, edit or delete a user, a list of existing users will appear. You may enter N to display the next page of users in the database or enter P to go back to the previous page of users.

To add a user to the DSR1024 switch database:

1.Type 2 and press Enter to access the Security Configuration menu option.

2.Type 1 and press Enter to access the Local User Accounts menu option. A list of users already within the database will appear.

3.Type A.

4.You will be prompted to enter the username to add. Type a username and press Enter.

5.You will be prompted to type a password for the user. Type a password and press Enter.

6.You will be prompted to re-type the password. Type the password again and press Enter.

7.Enter 0 (zero) to exit.

To rename a user in the DSR1024 switch database:

1.From the Console Main menu, type 2 and press Enter to access the Security Configuration menu option.

2.Type 1 and press Enter to access the Local User Accounts menu option. A list of users already within the database will appear.

3.Type E.

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Avocent manual Other Console Main Menu Options, Security Configuration, To add a user to the DSR1024 switch database