12AVWorks Installer/User Guide

default display is user-configurable. For more information, see Customizing the AVWorks Explorer Window in this chapter. The AVWorks Explorer default display is set for the Server view once you have added your first appliance.

NOTE: The Group Selector pane does not appear under the Appliances or Devices tab unless you have more than one type of appliance or device.

AVWorks Explorer Window Features









Figure 3.1: AVWorks Explorer Window

A.Menu bar: Allows you to access many of the features in AVWorks.

B.View Selector: Contains four View Selector tabs for choosing the AVWorks Explorer view.

C.Root node: Each tree consists of a root node and branches.

D.Group Selector pane: Contains a tree view representing the groups that are available for the current View Selector tab. The selected group controls what is displayed in the Unit Selector pane when the Appliances, Devices, Sites or Folder tabs are selected.

E.Status bar: Displays the number of units shown in the Unit list.

F.Unit Selector pane: Contains the Search bar, Unit list and Task buttons appropriate for the selected view or group.

G.Search bar: Allows you to search the database for the text entered in the search box.

H.Unit list: Displays a list of servers, appliances and other selectable devices contained in the currently selected group, or the results of the search executed from the Search bar.

I.Task buttons: Contains buttons representing tasks that can be executed. Some buttons are dynamic based on the type of unit(s) selected in the Unit list while other buttons are fi xed and always present.