Chapter 4: Managing Your Appliance 61
Managing User Sessions
You may view and disconnect the current active user connections as well as unlock user accounts by using the Status tab in the AMP. You can view the length of time users have been connected, the server name or AVRIQ to which they are connected and their system address.
Figure 4.11: User Status Dialog Box
To disconnect a user session:
1.Click the Status tab in the AMP. The User Status dialog box appears.
2.Select one or more users to disconnect. Press the Shift key to select multiple users.
3.Click the Disconnect Session button. A message appears prompting you to confirm the disconnect command.
4.Click Yes to disconnect the user.
Click No to exit without completing the disconnect command.
Rebooting Your Appliance
You can reboot the AutoView 1000R/2000R through the Tools tab in the AMP. When clicked, Reboot will broadcast a disconnect message to any active users, then log out the current user and immediately reboot the appliance.
To reboot your appliance:
1.Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.
2.Click the Reboot button. A message prompting you to confirm this reboot appears. Click Yes to confirm the request. The appliance will now reboot.