Chapter 4: Managing Your Appliance 63
NOTE: The user account fi le is encrypted and you will be prompted to create a password when you save the fi le. You will need to enter this password when you write the fi le to a new unit.
To save a user database from an appliance:
1.Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.
2.Click the Save Appliance User Database button. The Save Appliance User Database dialog box appears.
3.Click Browse and navigate to a location to save the user database file. The location appears in the Save To field.
4.Click Save. The user database file is read from the appliance and saved to a location. A progress window displays.
5.When complete, a message appears prompting you to confirm the read completion. Once confirmed, the Save Appliance User Database dialog box will close and you are returned to the Tools window.
To restore a user database file to an appliance:
1.Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.
2.Click the Restore Appliance User Database button. The Restore Appliance User Database dialog box appears.
3.Click Browse and navigate to the location where you stored the saved user database file. The file name and location appears in the File name field.
4.Click Restore. The user database file is written to the appliance. A progress window displays.
5.When complete, a message appears prompting you to confirm the write completion. Once confirmed, the Restore Appliance User Database dialog box will close and you are returned to the Tools window.
Changing Appliance Properties
You can alter individual appliance properties whether you are logged into the switch or not. The Properties dialog box contains several tabs: General, Network and Information. The General tab allows you not only to change the name and display icon for an appliance but also to assign the switch to a site, location or department. The Network tab allows you to establish an IP address for that switch. The Information tab allows you to enter information about the appliance including a description, contact information and any comments you would like to add.
To change appliance properties:
1.Select an individual appliance in the Unit Selector list.
2.Select View - Properties from the AVWorks Explorer menu bar.