When you have a choice, a The Ayre
balanced connection will offer three pairs of unbalanced inputs. Balanced connections are
slightly higher sound quality made via
than an unbalanced connections are made via RCA jacks. In accordance with the
connection. IEC standard, XLR pin 2 is the positive phase (hot).
The input connectors on the rear panel are labeled “1” through “6”.
!If you are connecting a tape deck to your system, be sure to connect it to input “6”.
This will prevent the undesired possibility of a feedback loop when monitoring a tape recording. If a tape deck is not installed in your system, input “6” performs like the other unbalanced inputs.
!If the optional phono stage is installed, it will use input “2”. Do not connect a
source to the phono input.
If the phono stage is not installed, input “2” performs like the other balanced inputs. Please refer to the section “Optimizing the Phono Stage” for more detailed information on connecting your turntable.
Input Labels
Input “1” on the rear panel The front panel switches can be labeled to reflect the
corresponds to the top label, components in your individual system. The faceplate must
while input “6” corresponds to be removed to install custom labels for the selector switches.
the bottom label. Use the supplied 1/8" allen wrench to remove the four screws visible on the faceplate. Then slide the faceplate away from the unit, taking care not to scratch the knobs.
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