Installation and
The Ayre K-1x is easy to hook up and use. The following guidelines will ensure that the installation goes smoothly.
The Ayre K-1x comprises two components - the main preamplifier and the external power supply, which are joined by an umbilical cable. A detachable connector allows these units to be temporarily separated for easy installation.
The preamplifier’s power The main unit produces very little heat and can normally be
supply emits a mild hum stacked with other components. However, in certain
field, and should be located situations, hum can be induced into the audio circuitry. In
away from other components. this case, try separating the components by a few feet (one meter or so) to isolate the interfering component.
The receiver for the optional infrared remote control is mounted behind the left-most scallop on the preamplifier’s front panel. Although the transmitter’s beam will reflect off of most wall surfaces, a direct line of sight from the listening position will ensure the maximum range. The beam will also travel through glass if necessary.