Unlike other products that use conventional volume controls (potentiometers), the Ayre
It is normal to listen with the The volume control offers 1.0 dB steps over most of its
volume knob advanced farther range, allowing you to exactly select the desired listening
than you may be used to with level. To maximize its capabilities, it has been designed so
other equipment. that the volume knob will be between 1 o’clock and 3 o’clock for a loud playback level in most systems.
When a
Since the tape record selector The tape record selector (“Record”) controls which source
(“Record”) is controlled component is connected to the tape output jacks. It is
separately from the main recommended that the tape record selector be switched to
input selector (“Listen”), it is the “Off” position except when making a recording. This
possible to listen to one source will isolate the tape deck’s circuitry from the preamplifier,
while recording from another. providing the highest level of sound quality when listening.
Remote Control
Please note that the supplied The optional remote control for the Ayre
batteries (2 x AAA) must be buttons. The top two buttons on the right side control the
installed in the remote control volume level, while the bottom button on the right side
unit prior to use. toggles the preamplifier’s mute control. The single button on the left side of the
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