The best method of updating the PCRTC time is to use the shareware program Timeset. Note that although this program is included on the PCRTC diskette, it is shareware and should be registered with its author. Timeset uses your modem to obtain the precise time from one of five atomic clocks in two continents, then sets your DOS time. The batch file RTCSET.BAT included in the Timeset directory should be used in conjunction with Timeset. Running the batch file will execute the following operations. Note that the device driver PCRTCDD.SYS must be installed to run the batch file. Before running Timeset or the batch file, you will need to configure Timeset for your modem and preferences. Documentation files are included in the Timeset directory.
1.Update the DOS time to the PCRTC time
2.Disable the device driver
3.Run Timeset
4.Update the PCRTC to the corrected DOS time
5.Enable the device driver
Using Timeset allows the PCRTC time to be updated to within ≤ 0.1 seconds of the atomic clock selected. The small discrepancy in time is dependent on the speed of the host computer and background activities on the host computer.
Replacing the battery
The PCRTC uses a lithium AA 3.6V battery to maintain its clock while the host computer is off. Replacement batteries must be rated between 3 and 4 volts. Batteries can be ordered through B&B as part number 3345. After replacing the battery, the PCRTC needs to be reinitialized. If the device driver loads in your config.sys file, the card will automatically be initialized, otherwise, the command line option PCRTC {address} /I can be used. After replacing the battery, the time and date must be reset.
Programming with the PCRTC
If you are writing your own application, you may wish to access the status features of the PCRTC in addition to accurate timekeeping. An “include” file for C, Pascal, and QuickBASIC is provided to allow simple function calls to check battery status and the time of last power down or reset. Sample programs demonstrating how to make these calls are provided in each of the three languages. The device driver keeps the DOS clock updated to the correct time, so accurate time can be obtained using the standard DOS calls.
6 | Documentation Number PCRTC2095 Manual |
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