3. Physical Installation of the D320PL Digitize r
3. PHYSICAL INSTALLATION OF THED320PL DIGITIZER3.1 Installation requirements
• TheD320PL Digiti zer should not be placed in a built-in installation or enclosure unless proper venti-
lation is provided.
• Whenusing the unit in a multi-unit rack assembl yo r closed assembly, the ambient temperature inside
the assembly may not exceed the maximum rated ambient temperature of the Digitizer. The instal-
lation should be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment in no t
• Whenbuilding in the D320PL Dig itizer into a rack with cover door, be aware thata space of 8,5 cm is
needed between the indicated reference and the cover door. This space is neededto guide the input
cables to the inputs.
Image 3-1
A Reference
• TheD320PL Digitizer will require that air flows freely in vent holes. Blockin g these holes will greatly
reduce the reliability of the unit and lead to the possibility of overheating.
• TheD320PL Dig itizer should operate from an AC power source. The D320P L Digitizer is equipped
with Power Supply Autoranging from 85 to 264 volt (50–60 Hertz).
• Wheninstalled i na rac k, the mounting should be such that no hazardous condition is achieved due
to uneven mechanical loading.
• When the mains switch located on the back of the D320PL Digitizer is not accessible due to rack
mounting, the socket outlet supplying the rack shall be installed near the equipment and be easi ly
accessible or a readily accessible disconnect device shall be inco rporated in the fixed wiring. When
using a rack in an installation is advisable to log the serial number of the device and to activate the
warranty figure by registering utilizing the included form.
• Donot place the D3 20PL Digitizer on an unstable cart, stand or table. Thedevice may fall, causing
serious damage to it.
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