3. Output Configuration
Once the mode and connectors have been setup, specific configuration of the two outputs can be performed.
Output Resolution
1)In the OUTPUT setup menu, the first two lines (labelled CHA and CHB) show the current resolution and frame rate for each channel.
2)Select either of these menu items to change the output resolution / frame rate to the desired choice.
Area of Interest
1)Select the AREA OF INTEREST submenu under OUTPUT.
2)The first field (labelled CHANNEL) allows the selection of A or B to allow independent AOI adjustments for each output.
3)The same operation is also available under the LED SETUP WALL SIZING (AOI) submenu.
Output Timing Adjustment
1)Select the TIMING ADJUST submenu under OUTPUT.
2)The first field (labelled CHANNEL) allows the selection of A or B to allow independent timing adjustments for each output.
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