2. PMP kit


2.1 Introduction

Incase of failure of a PMP, it must be replaced by a (blank) new one. However,since most of the projector related data is stored
onthis board, this data will be lost while replacing the board. This includes notonly k eydata such as ProjectorDevice Type and
ProjectorSerial Number, but also the full set of factory settings of the projector which are indispensable to get a good quality image:
uniformity,colors, gray levels, etc. Not having this factory settings will denitely result in a POOR QUALITY IMAGE.
Toavoid loss of data, it isamusttomake a backup of all the settings using the software tool ProjectorSupport. Thistool makes
itpossible to make a full backup, including Projector Device Type, Projector Serial Number and Runtimes and full factory settings.
Whenrestoring the (original!) backupon a (blank!) PMP,it will be fully congured in the way it was by the time of the backup.
Inthe situation where no backup is available and the PMP is not working properly, try to connect to the projector via Ethernet anyway
anduse the Projector Support tool to make a backup. Mos tprobably, this will be successful. If not, you will have to contact Barco.
TheProjector Support tool can be found on TDEon BarcoZone ( http://k uunet.barco.com/bgs/g lobal/TDE2/ ):
search forSoftware, using string “Projector Support”)

2.2 Kit description

Twodifferent kits are available. Thetable below points out which one to use.
Kitnumber Projectortype Projectorarticle number
Galaxy NH-12 R9040400
NH-12 R9010610
iD LH-12 R9010620
iConNH- 12 R9010600
Galaxy NW-12 R9040410
NW-12 R9010700
Kit content
The kit contains a blank PMP.

2.3 Kit installation (overview)

Overview of the kit installation
1. Use Projector Support tool and make a backup of the settings of the PMP to be replaced
2. Replace the faulty PMP by the new one of the kit
3. Restore the backup
4. Upgrade the projector to the desired software version
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