5.5.7 Sync start

You can set the music sequencer playback-ready, so that it will start playback as soon as you play a key on the keyboard. This function can be very helpful when the music sequencer is used as an „accompanist". The function is also available in DEMO mode.

1)Make sure that the playback tracks are active (PLAY LED above the corresponding TRACK button lights up green). If necessary, activate the tracks by pressing their TRACK buttons in the SONG section.

2)Press and hold one of the active TRACK buttons, then press the START/STOP button in the SONG section.


A dot in the lower right-hand corner of the display starts flashing in the tempo of the metronome, thus signaling that the instrument is set to sync start mode. The sequencer starts playback as soon as you play a key on the keyboard.

+If you want to quit sync start mode, simply repeat step 2.

5.5.8Start the music sequencer with foot pedal

This function allows you to reprogram the left soft pedal, so that it can be used to start/stop the music sequencer. This is useful when you are playing a music piece live and want to start a sequencer accompaniment at a later point during the piece. When the pedal has been set accordingly, you can also use it to start/stop playback in DEMO mode.

+Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the following function.




1, 2



1:Soft pedal function (default setting)

2:Music sequencer START/STOP

5.6 System settings

The EUROGRAND provides several setting options to control the global functions of the instrument. Please read below which options are available and how you can edit their settings.

5.6.1 Key velocity

This parameter determines the volume of the sounds with reference to the key velocity applied, i.e. you can set here how hard you have to strike a key to achieve maximum volume.

The following section describes how to change the key velocity.

1)Press the VELOCITY button to select one of the following settings:

HARD: The keys must be played very hard to achieve maximum volume.

MEDIUM: The keys must be played with medium velocity to achieve maximum volume (default setting).

SOFT: The keys must be played only lightly to achieve maximum volume.

OFF: If none of the LEDs lights up, each key stroke will produce a defined volume, irrespective of how hard you play the keys.

An LED above the button lights up to show the current setting. If all LEDs are out, key velocity is switched off. In this case you can adjust a fixed volume level as follows:

2)Press and hold the VELOCITY button, then use the -/NO and +/YES buttons to set the volume level to be produced when you play a key on the keyboard, irrespective of the key velocity applied.


The display reads:

1 ... 127: Fixed volume level produced when you play a key on the keyboard (default setting: 64)

3)Keep the VELOCITY button pressed, then press the -/NO and +/YES buttons simultaneously to recall the standard setting.

+The key velocity setting has no effect on the following sounds: HARPSICHORD, CEMBALO, JAZZ ORGAN, CHURCH ORGAN and PIPE ORGAN.

+TIP: young pianists might find it easier to use a SOFT key velocity setting.

Advanced operation