The configuration is 26 into 4 into 2. This means that there are 26 inputs in total (8 mono and 4 stereo channels, 4 stereo line inputs, and an extra
Mono Input Channels
Channels 1 - 8 are mono, with a choice of balanced mic or line inputs. The
Stereo Input Channels
A further 8 line inputs on the MX2642A are configured as 4 stereo input channels, accepting line level signals at
Channel Outputs
On your MX2642A, subgroup buses are fed via SUBGROUP and MIX ASSIGN switches, too. Here the channel PANORAMA control also selects between odd and
For ease and flexibility of mixing, four mono (two stereo) assignable subgroups are provided on your MX2642A.
Aux Sends
There are six aux send buses on the MX2642A, each with PFL.
Stereo Line Inputs
Four stereo line inputs, each with Solo/PFL, lie above the subgroup faders. These inputs are each assigned to two aux send buses. When these are used for returning tape tracks, these aux sends could be used as cue feeds to the performers’ headphones, or as effects sends for “wet” monitoring. Alternatively, the stereo line inputs could be used for MIDI instruments etc.
Main Mix Output
Main mix output level is via a
Channels 1 - 8 on your MX2642A have overload LED’s, while the L and R outputs have 12 segment bargraph meters. The L/R meters double up as mono PFL or stereo solo meters.
+The master bargraph meters should average around 0 dB during loud passages. If they read persistently higher, or are peaking above +10 dB (top segment of the main L/R LED display), reduce either the main L/R fader, the subgroup faders and/or channel faders, or (as a last resort) channel input gain. Maybe it’s time to do a round of PFL metering.