Enhanced Wireless Router
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UsIng THE WEb-basEd adVanCEd UsER InTERfaCE setting WEP Encryption
note to Mac users: The “Passphrase” option will no t operate with Ap ple® AirPort®� To con figure encrypti on for your Mac co mputer, set the encr yption
using the manual metho d described in t he next section�
1� Select “128-bit WEP” or “6 4-bit WEP” from the drop-down men u�
2� After selecting your WEP encryption mode , you can enter you
WEP key manually by typin g in the hex WEP key m anually, or
you can type a passph rase in the “Pass Phrase” field and click
“Generate” to create a WEP key from the passp hrase� Click “Apply
Changes” to finish� You must now set all of your clients to match
these settings�
3� Encryption in the Router is now set� Each of your computers o n
your wireless network will now need to be configured with the
same passphrase� Refe r to the document ation of your wirel ess
network adapter for info rmation on makin g this change�