MCS 20 – MCS 223 Microphone Unit 41
•Step 4 –Leave timer function without clearing turned on microphones
Hold down the “Prior” button and press the “Clear” button briefly. The limit of the activated operating
mode is displayed .
Leave the timer function with clearing turned on microphones
Hold down the “Clear” button and press the “Prior” button briefly. The limit of the activated operating
mode is displayed .
3.3.8 Programming mode How to programme functions
• In addition to the settings for “Limit”, “Volume” and “Mode” the functions 1 - 21 of the programmed functions
table can be reprogrammed for the MCS 223 chairman unit.
• With this the operation of the MCS 223 chairman microphone unit can be adapted to the personal requirements of
the operator. For instance the function of changing the volume can be disabled or limited; it can be determined, if
the “Prior” button operates as a button or switch.
• The current function settings can be stored and loaded in 7 setups with the “Limit”, “Volume” and “Mode”
• The values 1 - 15 can be reset to standard values at any time by pressing the “Voice” + “Free” + “Requ”
buttons simultaneously.
• The values 16 - 21 are not reset by accessing the standard values.
•Step 1 –How to activate the programming mode
Press the “Voice” and “Requ” buttons simultaneously for a few seconds (press the “Voice” button first),
until the function number is displayed (refer to function table), which is indicated by a flashing full stop after
the left number.
•Step 2 –How to select the function
Press the limit buttons [+] or [-], until the requested function number is displayed .
•Step 3 –How to display the selected value
Press one of the “Vol” buttons briefly. The currently selected value of the chosen function is displayed (refer
to the table of programmed functions). This is indicated by a flashing full stop after the right number.
Full stop after the left
number is flashing
Function 06
0 1.
Currently selected
value: 01
Full stop after the right
number is flashing