Dinner Favorites
* In U.S.,use Bread Flour; in Canada, use either Bread Flour or
All-Purpose Flour.


American Canadian
1 cup beer 1 cup
1 tbsp. shor tening 1 tbsp.
1 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp.
1 tsp. salt 1 tsp.
2-3/4 cups white flour* 2-2/3 cups
1-1/4 tsp. yeast 1-1/4 tsp.
2 tbsp. cornmeal 2 tbsp.
Water can be substituted for beer in the recipe. Add 1/2 - 1 tsp.
basil or oregano to the ingredients in the Baking Pan for a
spicier crust.
1. Measure first 6 ingredients in order listed into Baking Pan.
2. Insert Baking Pan into oven chamber,twist to secure. Close lid.
3. Select: Dough/Pasta Setting .
4. Press Start - There will be a 25-minute preheat delay before
mixing begins.
5. When cycle is complete, remove dough from machine to a
lightly floured surface. If necessary, knead in enough flour
to make dough easy to handle.
6. Grease pans- (two 12-inch/30 cm, one 14-inch/35 cm
or one 15x10-inch)- and sprinkle with cornmeal
(optional). Roll out dough and place on pan or pat
in pan.
7. Top each pizza with sauce, meat,vegetables and cheese.
Bake at 425°