f) Dressproperly.Do notwearlooseclothing orjewelry.Keepyourhair,clothingandgloves g)awayfrommovingparts. Looseclothes,jewelryor longhaircanbe caught in movingparts.

Ifdevicesareprovidedfortheconnectionofdustextractionand collection facilities,ensure theseareconnectedand properlyused.Useofdustcollection canreducedust-relatedhazards.

4) a)POWERTOOLUSE AND CARE Donotforcethepowertool.Usethecorrectpowertoolforyourapplication.Thecorrect

b)powertoolwilldo thejobbetterandsaferattherateforwhichitwasdesigned. Donotusethepowertooliftheswitchdoesnotturnitonandoff. .Anypower tool that

c)annot be controled withtheswitch is dangerous andmustbe repaired

Disconnecttheplugfromthepower sourceand/orthebatterypackfromthepower tool beforemakinganyadjustments,changingaccessories,or storingpower tools.Such d)preventivesafety measuresreducetheriskof startingthepowertool accidentally.

Storeidlepowertoolsoutofthereachof childrenand donotallowpersonsunfamiliar withthepowertoolor these instructionstooperatethepowertool.Power toolsare e)dangerous in thehandsof untrainedusers.

Maintainpowertools.Checkfor misalignment or binding ofmovingparts,breakageofparts andanyotherconditionthatmayaffectthepower tool’soperation.Ifdamaged,havethepower f)tool repairedbeforeuse.Manyaccidentsarecaused bypoorlymaintained powertools.

Keep cuttingtoolssharpandclean.Properlymaintainedcuttingtoolswith sharpcuttingedges g)are less likely to bind andareeasierto control.

Use thepowertool,accessoriesand tool bits,etc.inaccordancewith these instructions, takingintoaccount theworkingconditionsandtheworktobeperformed. Use of thepower

toolfor operations differentfrom thoseintended couldresultin a hazardoussituation.


Haveyourpower tool serviced bya qualifiedrepairpersonusingonly identicalreplacement parts.Thiswill ensurethatthesafetyofthe power toolismaintained.

Additional Safety Instructions

1IMPORTANT. RememberSAFETYthat hiddenINSTRUCTIONSareas such as thoseFORbehindHEAT GUNSwalls, ceilings, floors, soffit boards and other panels may contain flammable materials that could be accidentallyignited when stripping paint from the panel. Such a fire would not be readily apparent, and could cause considerable damage and danger of injury.This heat gun is capable of producing temperatures in excess of 1000° F (538° C).

2. Do not use this tool as a hair dryer.

3. Always turn heatgunoff,disconnectfrompowersourceandletthe toolcooldownforatleast 30 minutesbefore movingorstoring it.Donotlaytheheatgunonflammablesurfaces whenoperating the gun or immediatelyaftershuttingitoff.Alwayssetthe gun ona flatlevelsurfacesothatthe nozzletipispointedupwardwhenallowingtocool.For easystorage,thetoolcan hangfromthe hang hole.Theheat gunshouldbe storedindoors.

4. Always use good quality scrapers and stripping knives.

5. Never obstruct the air intake or nozzle outlet.

6. Besure todirectthehotairblastina safedirection; awayfromotherpeopleor flammable objects.

7. Keep fingers away from metal nozzle; it becomes very hot.

8. Donʼt touch the nozzle to any surface while running or shortly after running.

9. Avoid poking anything down inside the nozzle.

10. Know your work environment. Remember that areas behind soffit board, ceilings, and floors may contain highly flammable materials. Check these areas before applying heat.

11. Clean dry paint from the nozzle after use; it could ignite.

12. Clean your scraper blade frequentlyduring use; it could ignite.

13. Do not use the heat gun in combinationwith chemical strippers.

14. Do not use accessory nozzles as scrapers.

15. Keep nozzle away from cord.

16. Do not use to cook or warm food.


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Black & Decker BDPG700 instruction manual Additional Safety Instructions, Aservice