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Page 19
Image 19
Black & Decker JE400 manual ΩGóîàS’G, ∞«¶æàdGh áfÉ«üdG, Ió«Øe íFÉüf

JE400 specifications

The Black & Decker JE400 is a standout entry in the realm of juicing appliances, designed for home users who appreciate functionality and efficiency. This juicer combines modern design with user-friendly features, making it a perfect addition to any kitchen.

One of the main features of the JE400 is its powerful 400-watt motor that ensures quick and efficient juicing. It can handle a variety of fruits and vegetables, effortlessly extracting juice from everything from soft oranges to hard carrots. This versatility allows users to experiment with different recipes, ensuring a healthy intake of nutrients.

The large feed chute is another highlight of the JU400. Measuring about 3 inches in diameter, it accommodates whole fruits and vegetables, reducing the need for extensive prep work. This saves valuable time and makes the juicing process smoother and more convenient. Users can simply toss in the produce, and the juicer takes care of the rest.

For easy cleanup, the JE400 features a detachable pulp container that holds the extracted pulp, keeping the juicing process tidy. The juicer's components, including the juice collector and pulp container, are dishwasher safe, which is a significant advantage for busy households looking to minimize post-juicing chores.

In terms of safety, the Black & Decker JE400 prioritizes user protection with a safety locking arm, which ensures the cover is secured during operation. This thoughtful design detail prevents accidents and makes the juicer safe to use, especially for novices.

The design of the JE400 is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Its compact size makes it suitable for small kitchens, and the sleek lines blend well with modern decor. Additionally, the lightweight construction allows for easy portability, whether you want to move it for storage or take it with you when traveling.

The Black & Decker JE400 also employs a simple two-speed operation, which provides flexibility when juicing different types of produce. The low speed is ideal for softer fruits, while the high speed is perfect for harder vegetables. This feature enhances the juicer's performance and ensures efficient extraction of juice with minimal oxidation.

Overall, the Black & Decker JE400 presents a compelling option for home juicing enthusiasts. Its combination of power, versatility, and user-friendly features make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to incorporate more fresh juices into their daily diet. Whether you are a seasoned juicer or just starting, the JE400 is designed to meet your juicing needs with ease and style.