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Page 29
Image 29
Black & Decker PW1400TDK manual ¢ù«FôdG ¢ùHÉ≤dG GóÑàSG, ÁgƒØdG ∞«¶æJ, ØjõîàdG, £N ôjò

PW1400TDK specifications

The Black & Decker PW1400TDK is a versatile electric pressure washer that's designed to make outdoor cleaning tasks more efficient and effective. With a power rating of 1400 watts, this unit can deliver pressure up to 140 bar, providing the muscle needed to tackle tough cleaning jobs around the home and garden.

One of the standout features of the PW1400TDK is its portability. Weighing in at just 10 kg, it boasts a compact design that includes a wheeled base for easy maneuverability. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone who needs to clean multiple areas without the hassle of lugging heavy equipment around.

The PW1400TDK is equipped with a 5-meter high-pressure hose that offers an extended reach, allowing users to easily clean fences, driveways, patios, and vehicles without having to constantly reposition the machine. Additionally, the hose can be stored neatly on the unit itself when not in use, keeping your workspace tidy.

This pressure washer also features a range of nozzles that cater to different cleaning tasks. The included adjustable nozzle allows users to switch between a focused jet for stubborn dirt and a wider spray for delicate surfaces. This versatility means that whether you are cleaning your barbecue grill or your garden furniture, you can find the right nozzle for the job.

The built-in detergent tank is another key characteristic of the PW1400TDK. It allows for easy application of cleaning solutions, ensuring that even the most persistent grime is no match for this powerful washer. The automatic detergent system ensures an even distribution of cleaning agents, enhancing the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Safety and convenience are also prioritized in the design of the PW1400TDK. The pressure washer includes a safety lock on the trigger gun, preventing accidental activation. The unit is designed with user-friendly controls, making it accessible for both seasoned users and those new to pressure washing.

In summary, the Black & Decker PW1400TDK stands out with its powerful performance, portability, and user-friendly features. Its combination of adjustable nozzles, a built-in detergent tank, and a lightweight design makes it an excellent option for homeowners looking to keep their spaces clean with minimal effort. Whether tackling tough outdoor messes or routine maintenance, the PW1400TDK is sure to deliver impressive results.