

Communications (Unités BCXĆ14 et BXĆ14 seulement)

Le four est équipé d'un port de communication séĆ

riel RSĆ232 situé à l'intérieur du panneau de comĆ

mande. Un ordinateur portable peut être utilisé

pour visualiser des informations concernant cerĆ

tains paramètres de l'appareil, y compris son hisĆ

torique de détartrage. Une vue d'écran typique est

montrée ciĆdessous.

Software (c) 2002 Blodgett
Blodgett Combi BC-2 Control
ROM Saved Data
Version -> 3
Model -> 0
Startup Date-> 25
Startup Month -> 6
Startup Year -> 2
Low Volt -> 37
High Volt -> 80
Steam Time(sec) -> 16384
SD Time(sec) -> 457
CNV Time(sec) -> 239087
Combi Time(sec)-> 71870
Heat DMD events -> 0378956
Current time -> 11h : 22m : 10s
Current date -> 26 day 6 month 2 year
Total deliming events -> 3
Steam has been run -> 21 hour(s) 52 min(s) 8 sec(s) since last deliming.
Next deliming in approximately 3 hour(s) of Steam Generator run time.
Deliming interval is 24 hour(s) of Steam Generator run time.
Deliming History
Last address 5 and state 0
Event no. 1 on 25 day 5 month 2 year
Event no. 2 on 23 day 6 month 2 year
Event no. 3 on 21 day 7 month 2 year
Event no. 4 on 0 day 0 month 0 year
Event no. 5 on 0 day 0 month 0 year
Explanation of output
Version ć Software version.
Model ć 1= Gas oven, 0 = Electric oven.
Startup Date, Month, Year ć Date oven was started up.
Low Volt,High Volt ć Power supply fluctuations.
Steam Time - Time in second's oven has used Steam Mode.
SD Time - Time in second's oven has used in On Demand Steam mode.
CNV Time - Time in second's oven has used Hot Air Mode.
Combi Time - Time in second's oven has used in Combi Mode.
Heat DMD events ć Total number of heat demand events.
Current time, Current date - Current date and time.
Total deliming events - Total number of times oven has been delimed.
Steam has been run -> - How long steam generator has been run since last deliming.
Next deliming.. ć Approximately next time steam generator will need a deliming.
Deliming interval ..ć Hours the steam generator will run between deliming events.
Deliming History - The last 52 events will be printed out. If an event has not occurred, a 0 will be
used. Last address and state are used to record the last deliming state in
case of power fail during the process. Normally, state should be 0.

Figure 51