18. Is there a smaller rubber earpiece available?
Yes there is 2 different size ear pieces available for the Z9i and you should have received one of each when you purchased the Z9i.
19.Is there a car charger available for the Z9i?
No the Z9i only comes with an AC wall charger.
20.Can I purchase extra accessories for the Z9i?
Z9i spare parts and accessories can be purchase separately from one of our authorised spare parts retailers. Please check our web site www.blueantwireless.com for your nearest retailer.
21.I have mixed up my AC charger with my other device chargers. What does the Z9i AC charger look like?
The Z9i charger has the BlueAnt logo and BlueAnt written on the top and has the following specs: Model
22.The speaker gel has come off. What can I do?
The speaker gel has a screw thread on the inside and can easily be screwed back onto the Z9i Headset.
23. How do I upgrade the firmware for my Z9i?
In order to upgrade the firmware on your Z9i you will need to purchase a USB cable and have access to a PC with internet access. Log onto the support section of our web site www.blueantwireless.com and follow the links to download the Z9i upgrade instructions and the Z9i Upgrade zip files. Unzip both files to your computer then follow the instructions to upgrade the firmware.