21. Remove and empty the containers placed under the brewing
head and steam nozzle. Once emptied, once again place one
under the brewing head and the other under the steam nozzle.
22. Remove the water reservoir from the machine and rinse
thoroughly under running water, ensuring that all traces of the
descaling solution is removed. Fill the water reservoir with clean
water and place onto machine.
23. Run two full water reservoirs through the brewing head. Refill
the water reservoir and run the steam nozzle for 4–5 minutes.
Note: Ensure that you continue to run water through the machine
until the water runs clean and clear.
24. When this is finished, remove the water reservoir and set
aside. Remove the water containers and give the machine a good
wipe over.
25. Turn the machine upside down. The machine should now be
on the warming plate resting on the cloth/tea towel once again.
26. Carefully replace the rubber seal, filter, washer and screw.
Tighten well.
27. Turn the machine upright, so that it is now sitting correctly on
the bench.
28. Replace the drip tray and froth enhancing steam attachment
onto the steam nozzle.
29. Fill the water reservoir with water and position it on the
Rated voltage:
120V, ~60Hz
Rated power:
Pump pressure:
19 BAR
Heating system:
Cable length:
Approx. 80 cm
Limited warranty:
2 years