Integrated IR Dome Camera | Safety en 13 |
alteration, accident, or negligence in use, storage, transportation, or handling or if the original identification markings on the product have been removed, defaced or altered, lightning, electricity, water, fire, environment or other hazard, or act of God, or other impact outside of normal operating guidelines.
The foregoing warranty is subject to Buyer’s (i) promptly written claim and (ii) timely provision to BOSCH Security Systems of an opportunity to inspect and test the Product claimed to be defective. Such inspection may be on Buyer’s premises and/or BOSCH Security Systems may request the return of the Product at Buyer’s expense. However, BOSCH Security Systems shall not be responsible for packing, inspection, or labor costs in connection with the return of Product. No Product shall be accepted for warranty service that is not accompanied by a Return Authorization issued by BOSCH Security Systems.
The liability of BOSCH Security Systems hereunder or otherwise is solely and exclusively limited to replacement (new or refurbished Product), repair, or credit of the amortized purchase price, as BOSCH Security Systems may elect, for any Product which is returned by Buyer during the applicable warranty period, or services for which timely notice of defect has been given by Buyer, and which are found by BOSCH Security Systems to be subject to adjustment under this warranty.
BOSCH Security Systems’ warranty shall not be enlarged, diminished, or affected by, and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of BOSCH Security Systems’ rendering or technical advice, facilities, or services in connection with Buyer’s order to the products furnished hereunder.
For more information about the warranty on this product, see the Warranty Repair section on Bosch’s Customer Care web page at
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | Installation Manual | TBD 2.0 2010.12 |