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R usski”

Spasibo Vam za pokupku öa”nika Braun, m´ nadeemsæ, öto ego diza”n i kaöestvo rabot´ dostavit Vam udovolˆstviie v teöenii neskolˆkih let.

Pered tem kak polˆzovatˆsæ ålektropriborom, vnimatelˆno proöita”te instrukciø.

Neobhodim´e mer´ bezopasnosti

Ubeditesˆ v tom, öto ukazannoe na pribore napræıenie sootvetstvuet napræıeniø, de”stvuøˇemu v ålektroseti. Öa”nik moıet b´tˆ ispolˆzovan tolˆko v ustanovlennom na osnovanii (g) poloıenii.

Åtot ålektropribor sproektirovan tolˆko dlæ ispolˆzovaniæ v domaœnem hozæ”stve.

Nagreva”te v öa”nike tolˆko vodu, nikogda ne nagreva”te v öa”nike moloko ili løb´e drugie ıidkosti.

Kogda V´ polˆzuetesˆ priborom, ego sleduet raspologatˆ na suho” i rovno” poverhnosti.

Pri ispolˆzovanii ålektropribora sleduet ubeditˆsæ v tom, öto setevo” œnur ne nahoditsæ niıe urovnæ na kotorom pribor raspoloıen. Dlinu œnura moıno umenˆœatˆ putem namat´vaniæ ego v otsek dlæ hraneniæ œnura.


Predupreıdenie: Vo vremæ rabot´ öa”nika i po okonöanii ispolˆzovaniæ nikogda ne dotra- giva”tesˆ do metalliöeskih poverhnoste” öa”nika, tak kak oni nagrevaøtsæ pri rabote, i V´ moıete poluöitˆ oıogi. Vsegda berite öa”nik tolˆko za ruöku. Öa”nik vsegda dolıen stoætˆ vertikalˆno, togda voda pri kipenii ne budet v´livatˆsæ iz nego.

Ne sleduet razmeˇatˆ ålektropribor na goræöe” poverhnosti ili nad otkr´t´m plamenem.

Pri sluöa”nom vkløöenii öa”nika bez vod´, sra- botaet ustro”stvo zaˇit´ i avtomatiöeski ego otkløöit. V åtom sluöae neobhodimo podoıdatˆ 10 minut, ötob´

datˆ öa”niku ost´tˆ i tolˆko posle åtogo napolnætˆ ego vodo”.

Vnimanie: Ne sleduet perepolnætˆ vodo” öa”nik! V processe kipeniæ voda moıet perelitˆsæ öerez kra” i nanesti oıogi.

Nikogda ne sleduet otkr´vatˆ kr´œku v processe kipeniæ.

Periodiöeski proveræ”te ålektriöeski” œnur na predmet vozmoın´h povreıdeni”.

V sluöae obnaruıeniæ løbo” neispravnosti neobhodimo prekratitˆ ispolˆzovanie ålektro- pribora i obratitˆsæ v upolnomoöenn´” Servisn´” Centr firm´ Braun. Remont åtih ålek- tropriborov dolıen v´polnætˆsæ tolˆko upolno- moöenn´m personalom servisno” sluıb´. Nedobrokaöestvenno i nekvalificirovanno v´polnenn´e remontn´e rabot´ mogut privesti k nesöastn´m sluöaæm i travmam polˆzovatelæ.


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Image 34
Braun 3214 manual ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜ ·fi ¿Ï·Ù·, ∂Áá‡Ëûë

3214 specifications

The Braun 3214 is a sophisticated and innovative electric shaver that embodies the commitment to quality and performance synonymous with the Braun brand. Designed for men who seek an efficient and comfortable shaving experience, this model combines advanced features with user-friendly characteristics.

One of the standout features of the Braun 3214 is its advanced cutting technology. It utilizes a combination of ultra-sharp blades and a specialized foil that captures more hairs in each stroke. This precision allows users to achieve a closer shave without the irritation that often accompanies traditional shaving methods. The shaver's flexible head adapts to the contours of the face, ensuring that it can navigate tricky areas with ease, providing optimal coverage and a smooth finish.

The Braun 3214 is equipped with a powerful motor that delivers high-speed performance, making it suitable for various hair types and lengths. The energy-efficient design ensures a longer battery life, allowing for extended use between charges. This means that users can enjoy multiple shaving sessions without the worry of frequent recharging.

The device features a convenient one-touch cleaning system that makes maintenance a breeze. After use, simply press the cleaning button, and the shaver will begin the self-cleaning process, keeping the blades hygienic and ready for the next use. This thoughtful addition enhances the longevity of the product and helps maintain optimal performance over time.

Additionally, the Braun 3214 is designed for versatility. It offers both corded and cordless operation, giving users the freedom to choose their preferred shaving method. Its compact and ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip, making it easy to maneuver regardless of the shaving technique employed.

Another notable aspect of the Braun 3214 is its efficient travel lock feature, which prevents accidental activation during transportation. This is particularly valuable for frequent travelers, ensuring the shaver remains safe and ready for use at all times.

In summary, the Braun 3214 electric shaver stands out in the crowded personal grooming market. With its blend of advanced cutting technologies, powerful motor, easy maintenance, and user-friendly design, it represents a perfect balance of performance and convenience, making it a top choice for discerning users looking for a reliable shaving solution.