






Na‰e v˘robku jsou vyrobeny tak, aby splÀovaly nejvy‰‰í nároky na kvalitu, funkãnost a design. Pfiejeme Vám s Va‰ím nov˘m holicím strojkem Braun mnoho potû‰ení.


Elektrick˘ holicí strojek nesmí b˘t pouÏíván v blízkosti nádob naplnûn˘ch vodou (napfi. koupací vany, sprchy, um˘vadla apod.).

Z bezpeãnostních dÛvodÛ pravidelnû kontrolujte, zda není po‰kozen síÈov˘ pfiívod, a vymûÀte jej, jestliÏe je uvolnûn v síÈové pfiívodce na strojku.


1Ochrann˘ kryt planÏety

2Trojitá holicí kulisa

3 Dvojit˘ bfiitov˘ blok

4 V˘klopná stfiihací li‰ta dlouh˘ch vlasÛ («trimmer»)

5 Pojistka pfiepinaãe «lock»

6 Spínaã zapnutí/vypnutí

7 Kontrolka nabíjení (zelená)

8 Kontrolka nízké kapacity (ãervená) (pouze 5416/5415)

9 SiÈová pfiívodka

j Pfiepínaã aretace v˘kyvné holicí hlavy

(«head lock») a pro zapnutí stfiihací li‰ty dlouh˘ch

vlasÛ («trimmer») q UvolÀovací tlaãítko

2Nabíjení holicího strojku

U prvních trí nabíjeni akumulátorové baterie: Nechte holici strojek nejménû 4 hodiny nabijet ze sítû (pozice vypinaãe na «off»), poté se mÛÏete holit bez p⁄ipojného kabelu, a to aÏ do okamÏiku, kdy se rozsvití kontrolka signalizujíci, Ïe baterie dochází. (Model 5414: Bez pfiipojného kabelu se mÛÏete holit do okamÏiku, kdy se strojek v˘raznû zpomalí.) Uplné kapacity lze dosáhnout aÏ po nûkolikátém nabity/vybiti akumulátoru.

Následující nabíjení bude trvat pfiibliÏnû 1 hodinu

Pfiíkon: 5 W

Rozsah napálecích napûtí pro nabíjení: 12–240 V Q / 50 nebo 60 Hz (automatické pfiizpÛsobení)

Nejvhodnûj‰í teplota okolí pro nabíjení: 15 °C aÏ 35 °C

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Braun 5415, 5414, 5416 manual Popis, Nabíjení holicího strojku, Upozornûní

5415, 5416, 5414 specifications

The Braun 5414, 5416, and 5415 represent a remarkable trifecta of grooming tools designed for modern users seeking precision, efficiency, and comfort. Each model was built with a commitment to quality, marrying innovative technologies with user-friendly features that make hair removal and grooming an effortless experience.

One notable feature across the Braun 5400 series is the advanced triple blocking system. This technology employs three specialized blades that work in harmony to capture and cut more hair in a single stroke. The result is a close and comfortable shave that minimizes irritation, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. Braun's attention to detail ensures that these shavers can handle various hair textures and lengths, providing a versatile grooming solution.

Another standout characteristic of these models is the ergonomic design. The contouring shape of the devices ensures a firm grip while allowing easy maneuverability across the face, neck, and other curved areas. This thoughtful design contributes to a more pleasant shaving experience, reducing the risk of slips or accidental cuts.

Battery life is another significant aspect of the Braun 5400 series. With a powerful lithium-ion battery, users can expect extended usage time, with some models supporting up to 50 minutes of grooming on a single charge. Additionally, a quick-charge feature allows users to obtain enough power for a full shave in just a few minutes, making these shavers ideal for on-the-go lifestyles.

The Braun 5414, 5416, and 5415 are equipped with a waterproof design, enabling users to enjoy wet or dry shaving. This flexibility allows for the use of gels or foams for enhanced comfort or quick dry shaves when time is of the essence. Cleaning these devices is straightforward, as they can be rinsed under running water, ensuring hygiene and optimal performance.

The intuitive interface includes multiple settings that let users customize their shaving experience, catering to specific preferences. Whether it is adjusting for a closer shave or opting for gentler modes, the Braun 5400 series delivers tailored results.

In conclusion, the Braun 5414, 5416, and 5415 models exemplify innovation in grooming technology. With their advanced features, ergonomic designs, and multi-use capabilities, these shavers are excellent choices for individuals seeking an effective and comfortable grooming routine. The combination of performance and usability positions Braun as a leader in personal care devices, aligning with the evolving needs of consumers everywhere.