Pre-Operation Notes and Details
The RA300 Ramp provides vehicle access to people with disabilities (wheelchair passen- gers or standees using other type mobility aids). The commercial oriented RA300 Ramp is operated by the transit vehicle driver/atten- dant. Unless your transit agency has a published policy stating that driver/attendants do not aid ramp passengers, safe entering and
exiting of ramp passengers is the responsibility of the driver/ attendant.
As stated in the Ramp Operation Safety section, all information in this manual is provided for the safety of passengers, attendants and bystanders. Recognize the seriousness of this information.
Read and become familiar with all ramp operation safety precau- tions,
Ramp Access Doors and Interlocks
Attendants must become familiar with the vehicle ramp access door system and interlock(s), as well as the proper operation of the ramp.
Vehicle ramp access door con-
ÀJXUDWLRQVDQGRSHUDWLRQSURFH- dures vary. Ensure the ramp door is fully open before activating the ramp (an interlock typically pre- vents ramp operation unless the door is fully open). Attendants and passengers must keep clear of the area in which the power door operates. Ensure the path is clear before closing the door. Be sure the door is fully closed before attempting to drive the ve- hicle (interlocks typically ensure this).
Interlocks are required by nearly all transit authorities. Vehicle interlocks typically prevent vehicle motion if the ramp is not stowed. In some cases, the ramp cannot be operated if interlock conditions are not met. Interlock require- ments may include: the vehicle transmission must be engaged in Park, the parking brake must be engaged, the ramp access door must be fully open and/or others. Multiple interlocks may exist.
Instructions for operation of interlocks and door systems will not be addressed in this manual due to the variety of procedures required for operating them.
General instructions for safe operation of the ramp are pro- vided. Ramp safety and ramp passenger safety information is included. It is the responsibil- ity of the attendant to properly open and close the ramp access door(s), to activate interlock(s), to properly activate the ramp power functions as well as assist ramp passengers.
Do not operate the ramp if you suspect ramp damage, wear or any abnormal condition. Dis- continue use immediately and contact The Braun Corporation at
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