| continued |
| Hydraulic Fluid (Pump) - Check level. Note: | Use Braun |
| Fluid should be changed if there is visible | K\GUDXOLFÁXLGdo not mix with Dextron III or |
| 1 Year | contamination. Inspect the hydraulic system | RWKHUK\GUDXOLFÁXLGV&KHFNÁXLGOHYHOZLWK | |
| F\OLQGHUKRVHVÀWWLQJVVHDOVHWFIRUOHDNVLI | ramp deployed fully. Fill to within | ||
1250 |
| |
| Cycles | Inspect | Resecure, repair or replace or otherwise correct | |
| as needed |
| Mounting | Check to see that the ramp is securely an- |
| chored to the vehicle and there are no loose |
| bolts, broken welds, or stress fractures. |
| Decals and Antiskid | Replace decals if worn, missing or illegible. |
| Replace antiskid if worn or missing. |
Consecutive | Repeat all previously listed inspection, lubrica- |
| ||
| 8 Week or | tion and maintenance procedures at 8 week or |
| |
| 200 Cycle | 200 cycle intervals (or per vehicle maintenance |
| |
| Intervals | schedule). |
| |
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