Serves 4-6
1kg flat head fillets (or substitute with whiting or
blue eye cod), skin removed
1¼ cup self raising flour
¼ cup corn flour, plus extra for dusting
Pinch salt
1 egg, beaten
355ml cold beer of your choice
Sea salt to taste
1. Fill deep fryer with 4 litres of oil. Set
deep fryer to FISH/FRESH setting.
2. Pat fillets dry with paper towel and place
onto a clean dry plate.
3. Combine flours in a large bowl and mix
well. Dust fillets lightly in corn flour,
making sure to shake off any excess
flour; return to plate.
4. Make a well in the centre of the flours
and add beaten egg and beer. Slowly stir
mixture from the centre out, making sure
that the flour is incorporated slowly.
5. The batter should be the consistency
of thick cream. If it is too thick, add a
little more beer or soda water. Cover and
stand for 15 minutes.
6. Preheat oven 160°C and line a baking
tray with paper towel.
7. Dip 2-3 fillets at a time into the batter
and carefully lower into the hot oil. Cook
2 minutes; turn over and cook a further
2 minutes or until batter is golden and
crisp. Remove and drain on a wire rack
sitting on a tray lined with paper towel.
8. Transfer to prepare tray and place
in oven to keep warm. Repeat with
remaining fish and batter, making sure
to reheat the oil between each batch.
Season with salt and serve hot with tar tare
sauce and lemon wedges.
Serves 4
800g fresh cleaned large squid tubes
1 cup plain flour
Pinch sea salt
3 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons milk
2 cups panko crumbs
2 cups fresh breadcrumbs (made from 14 thick
white sliced bread )
1. Fill deep fryer with 4 litres of oil. Set
deep fryer to CALAMARI/FRESH
2. Slice tubes into 1cm thick rings and set
3. Combine flour and salt and place into a
shallow dish. Toss 5 or 6 squid rings into
flour and shake off excess.
4. Whisk beaten eggs and milk together
and dip squid into egg mixture.
5. Combine crumbs in a shallow tray and
toss squid into breadcrumb mixture. Set
aside and repeat with remaining squid
6. Arrange a small batch (approx 200g)
crumb squid rings into wire basket and
LOWER BASKET. Press timer and cook
2 minutes.
7. Shake basket halfway through cooking.
8. Drain on paper towel.
9. Repeat with remaining squid rings,
making sure to reheat oil between