3Press uor dto display each field, and then type in the text.
4• To print a single copy, press p.
•To print multiple copies, several copies while increasing certain characters, or a mirror image of the text, press g, then a. (For details, refer to Using special printing functions on page 31.)
☞Accented characters (page 17), symbols (page 20) and bar codes (page 18) can be entered in the template fields.
☞To quit using the template, display the last field, and then press n. The Auto Format menu appears. Press uor duntil FINISH appears, and then press n.
Printing LabelsPreviewing the label layout
The Preview function allows you to see a sample of the layout of the text.
●To use the print preview, press g, then p. The length of the current label is indicated in the
☞To scroll the print preview left or right, press lor r.
☞To return to the text, press nor b.
Feeding tape
●To feed out 23 mm of tape, press f. The message “FEED” is displayed.
☞Press fto feed out any leftover printed tape after pressing oto quit printing.
Printing a label
●To print out a label, press p. The message “WORKING”, then “COPIES” followed by the number of the label being printed is displayed.
☞To quit printing, press oto turn off the