Let’s begin by turning on the power to the machine. The power button is
located in the top right-hand corner of the keyboard.
The text entry mode on this machine is WYSIWYG (What You See Is What
You Get) mode, which allows you to see the label as it will appear after it is
printed. The flashing mark resembling bracket is called a “cursor”. The mark
is like a pointer which shows your current position and lets you select certain
characters in your text.
The message you create may sometimes be longer then this machine’s LCD
can display ant one time. In this case, the cursor can be moved to view hidden
parts of the text. If a character key or the cursor key is pressed when the
cursor is one the right end of the display, the text scrolls to the left one character
at a time and the cursor stays at the right side of the display. If the left cursor
key is pressed when the cursor is on the left side of the display, the whole text
scrolls to the right, leaving the cursor at its position in the text unless this would
cause it to move beyond the display, in which case the cursor is positioned to
the left of the last character on the right side of the display.
The format settings are shown by the triangles and circles which appear at the
top and bottom of the display. The default settings shown when the power is