The message has been created and edited. If it were printed now, the standard
default settings would be used. The text would be aligned at the left margin and
would not be framed or underlined. In addition, the characters would be auto-
sized and printed using font F1 (Helsinki) and a normal style. For more details
concerning format settings, please see pages 75 to 103 of For Your Information.
For this label, though, let’s assume we want a different style of text: font F2 (Bru-
ssels), framed and horizontally centered. Therefore, we must change the format.
Different format settings can be chosen either before or after the text is entered.
The procedure shown above can be used to edit the font, size, width, style,
framing or shading, and color print settings or text already entered. With this
procedure, the AREA and cursor keys are used to select the text, then the local
format keys (Font, Size, etc) below the display allow you to change the settings.
Another way of changing the format settings is to choose them before entering
the text. With this method, the selected settings remain until they are changed