Any time the number of lines in a section of the label changes, a new block
must be created. Creating a new block is different from local formatting, which
change the type style within that line or those groups of lines.
Compare these two labels:
This is simply a single-block, single-line label This is a multi-block label. The first portion of
with local formatting. After all the text has this label is a single line, the second is four
been typed in, the position “(123) 456-7890” lines and the third, two lines. Therefore, when
is assigned a smaller character size. Entering this type of text message, the NEW
BLOCK key must be used.
After typing the first block of text, hold down the CODE key and press the
NEW BLOCK key. The cursor will appear at the beginning of the first line
in the next block.
+The maximum number of blocks in a single label is five. If the cursor is
located in the fifth block when the CODE key is hold down and the
NEW BLOCK key is pressed, an error message will appear.
When the cursor is positioned in the middle of a text block, holding
down the CODE key and pressing the NEW BLOCK key causes the
current block to be split into two.
(1) Type “TOMMY”.
(2) Since the next portion of text is a new two-line block, hold down the CODE
key and press the NEW BLOCK key.
(3) Type “CLASS 2”.
(4) Press the RETURN key.
(5) Type “ROOM 104”.