Most characters can be entered simply by pressing their keys. However, to
enter uppercase letters, accented characters and some common symbols, three
special keys are necessary.
SHIFT KEY: This key allows you to type symbols located on the upper part of
the keys and capital letters; however, capital letters of characters
written in red must be entered using the ALT key in Caps mode. To
type a capital “A”, hold down the SHIFT key and press the A key.
CAPS KEY: The SHIFT key is very useful for inputting a single capital letter, for
example, at the beginning of a name. However, when you wish to
enter a series of uppercase letters, the CAPS key should be used.
When this mode is on, the CAPS indicator at the top the LCD dis-
play comes on.
+Using the SHIFT key in Caps mode will produce lowercase letters.
TITLE fonts will only produce uppercase letters.
In Caps mode, uppercase letters can be typed simply by pressing
the character keys (i.e. pressing the SHIFT key is not necessary).
However, when number keys are pressed, numbers not the
symbols above them appear. Holding down the ALT key and
pressing a key for a character written in red types in the capital let-
ter of that character. To exit Caps mode, hold down the CODE key
and press the CAPS key. The indicator will go off.
ALT KEY: The ALT key allows you to input characters and symbols written in
red on the keys.
Hold down the ALT key and press the key of the desired character
written in red. To exit Alt mode, release the ALT key.