Bar code human readable line ON or OFF A
This parameter shows whether the printer prints the human rea dable line below the bar code. Human
readable characters are always printed with O CR-B font of 10 pitch and all the current character style
enhancements are masked. The default setting is determine d by the bar code mode selected by ‘t’ or ‘T’.
Quiet zone A
n = ‘onnn’ or ‘Onnn’ (nnn = 0 ~ 32767)
Quiet zone is the space on both sides of the bar cod es. Its width can be shown using the units that are set by
the ‘u’ of ‘U’ parameter. (For the description of ‘u' or ‘U' parameter, see the next section.) The default setting
of the quiet-zone width is 1 inch.
Bar code, expanded character unit, line block drawing and box drawing A
This parameter shows the measurement units of X-axis offset, Y-ax is offset, and bar code height.
Bar code, expanded character, line block drawing and box drawing offset in X-axis A
n = ‘xnnn’ or ‘Xnnn’
This parameter shows the offset from the left margin in the ‘u’- or ‘U’-specified unit.
n = ‘r0’ or ‘R0 Human readable line OFF
n = ‘r1’ or ‘R1 Human readable line ON
Preset: Human readable line ON
(1) ‘T5’ or ‘t5’
(2) ‘T6’ or ‘t6’
(3) ‘T130’ or ‘t130’
(4) ‘T131’ or ‘t131’
Preset: Human readable line OFF
All others
n = ‘u0’ or ‘U0’ mm (preset)
n = ‘u1’ or ‘U1’ 1/10
n = ‘u2’ or ‘U2’ 1/100
n = ‘u3’ or ‘U3’ 1/12
n = ‘u4’ or ‘U4’ 1/120
n = ‘u5’ or ‘U5’ 1/10 mm
n = ‘u6’ or ‘U6’ 1/300
n = ‘u7’ or ‘U7’ 1/720