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E-mail application
E-mail Application—From the pull-down list, select your E-mail
E-mail Settings—Click the E-Mail Settings button to set up links.
The Send To Options window will appear:
Send to Options
Convert attachments to specified file type—Converts it ems to the
type in the File type box. Clear this check box to keep files in their
source format; f or example, to keep Word documents in t he .doc
format and JPEG images in the .jpg format.
All documents and image items—Converts all items regardless of
the program in which the ite m was created; for example, conv erts all
Word (.doc) files and JPEG (.jpg) files to the file type.
PaperPort® image items (MAX) only—Converts only PaperPort®
image items (.max) files. P aperPort® does not convert other file
types, such as JPEG images and Word documents.
File type—Identifies the format in which to convert items; for
example, JPEG or TIFF.
Combine items into single file, if possible—Combines all selected
items into a single file that contains multiple pages. This option is
available only when the fi le type supports multiple pages , such as
multi-page TIFF.