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Choosing the right type of paperTo get high quality prin ting using your machine, it’s very important to
select the right type of pape r. Be sure to read Chapter 2 Paper in
MFC User’s Guide before you select and purchase paper for the
How to print your originalWhen the machine receives da ta from your computer, it begins
printing by picking up pa per from the paper tray. Th e paper tray can
feed many types of paper and en velopes.
From your computer select the Print command.
If your computer is also connected to any other printers, select
Brother MFC-XXXX USB Printer (Where XXXX is your model
name) as your printer driver from the Print or Print Settings
menu in your software ap plication, and then c lick on OK to begin
printing. (Windows® Only)
Your computer sends a print command and data to the mach ine.
The LCD shows Receiving Data.
When the machine finishes printing all the data, the LCD shows
the date and time.
If your application software does not support your custom paper size,
select the next larger paper size.
Then adjust the print area by c hanging the right and left margins i n
your application sof tware.
For Macintosh® users, see Using the Brother Printer Driver with
Your Apple® Macintosh® (Mac OS® X) on page 9-4.
You can select the paper size, and orientation in your
application software.