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Using the Brother MFC printer driver
A Printer Driver is software that translates data from the format used
by a computer into the forma t required by a particular printe r, using
a printer command la nguage or page descript ion language.
The printer drivers are on the CD-ROM we have supplied. Install the
drivers first by following the Quick Setup Guide. Also, the latest printer
driver can be downloaded from the Brother Solutions Center at:
This machine offers man y features you’ll find in a h igh quality ink jet
Fast Printing Speed
Using Fast mode, you can print up to 12
pages per minute in full colo r, and up to 14 pages per minute i n black.
Brilliant High Quality Output
Printing at up to 4800 x 1200
optimized dpi on glossy paper gives you highest resolution. (See
Resolution on page S-6 in the Us er’s Guide.)
Beautiful Elaborate Output
You can use 2 in 1, Watermark
(Windows® Only) printing, True2Life® technology and other features
to get high quality printouts.
Low Running Cost
Whenever you run out of a part icular color ink,
you will only have to replace the cartridge that’s empty.
Universal Serial Bus Interface provides fast communication
with your computer.
Straight Paper Path
The machine can print on many types of
paper. Plain paper, inkje t paper, glossy paper, transparenc ies and
envelopes. Use the appropria te type of paper to avoid paper jams.
Using the machine as a printerFor complete information about what kinds of paper to use wit h
the machine, read Chapter 2 Paper in MFC User’s Guide.