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Scan*1 Scan to File —enables you to sca n directly to a disk file. Yo u can
change the file type and destin ation directory, as needed.
*2 Scan to E-mail (Default: Outlook Express) —enables you to scan
a page or original directly into an E-mail application as a standard
attachment. You have the option of selecting the file type and
resolution for the attachment.
*3 Scan to Word Processor (Defaul t: MS WordPad) —en ables you to
scan a page or original , automatically run ScanSoft® TextBridge®
OCR and insert the text (not graphic image) into a word processing
program. You have the option of selecting the destination word
processing program, such as WordPad, MS Word, Word Perfect or
whichever word processing program is installed on your computer.
*4 Scan to Graphic Application ( Default: MS Paint) —enables you to
scan a page directly into any graphic viewer/editor application. You
can select the destination application, such as MS Paint, Corel
PhotoPaint, Adobe PhotoShop, or any kind of image editor
application you already hav e installed on your computer.
CopyCopy (Copy one to one)—allows you to use the PC and any
Windows® printer driver for enhanced copy operat ions. You can scan
the page on the machine and pri nt the copies using any of the
features of the machine prin ter driver—OR—you can direct the copy
output to any standard Windows ® printer driver installed on the PC
including network printers.
Four/Two to One Copy—enables you to use the Four/Two on
One-page features of the Bro ther printer driver to copy four/ two
original pages onto a sing le output page.