Before starting installationBe careful when handling the NC-9100h. There are many delicate
electronic components th at are susceptible to damage from static
electricity. To avoid such damage, use the following precautions
when handling the board.
■Leave the NC-9100h in its anti -static bag until you are ready t o
install it.
■Make sure that you are adequat ely grounded before touch ing the
NC-9100h. Use an anti-sta tic wrist strap and a grounding ma t if
possible. If you do not have an ant i-static wrist strap, touch the
bare metal surface on the back of the machine before handling
the NC-9100h.
■Avoid moving around the wor k area in order to eliminate static
charge build-up.
■If possible, do not work on a ca rpeted area.
■Do not flex the board and do not touch the components on the
Tools Required:
Phillips Screwdriver
Step 1: Hardware installationWARNING
DO NOT touch the surface of th e main board within 15 minute s after
turning off the power.
■Do NOT unplug any internal connectors.
Disconnect the telephon e line cord and handset curled cord
from the MFC, turn the MFC power switch off, unplug the MFC
power cord from the AC power ou tlet, and then disconnect the
interface cable.