Using the Brother Network PC-FAX softwareThe Brother Network PC-FAX feature allows you to use your PC to
send any application or document file as a standard fax. You can
create a file in any applicat ion on your PC, and then send it as a
Network PC-FAX. You can even attach a cover page note. All you
have to do is set up the receiv ing parties as Members or Groups in
your PC-FAX Address Book or simply enter the destination address
or fax number into the User Inter face. You can use the Address Book
Search feature to quickly find members to send your fax.
Quick Tips:
Please see Enable Network PC-FAX on page 9-1 before using
Brother Network PC-FAX.
Ensure that Network PC-FAX is set to “Enable” in the Sending
tab of Setup. (See Enable Network PC-FAX on page 9-1.)
Please check Brother Solutions Center for the latest updates
available for Brother Netw ork PC-FAX. Visit
http://solutions.b rother.com/