Compressor Internal Relief
The compressor is protected by an internal pressure relief (IPR) which relieves discharge gas into compressor shell when differential between suction and discharge pressures exceeds and 550 - 625 psi. The compressor is also protected by an internal overload attached to motor windings.
Compressor Control Contactor
The contactor has a 24 volt coil and is controlled by Y1 input from the thermostat
High and Low Pressure Switches
High and low pressure switches are provided in line with the Y1 signal to the contactor for protection. The high pressure switch mounted on the liquid tube is set to open at 670 psi and higher, and the low pressure switch mounted on the suction tube opens at a pressure of 50 psi and lower.
For continuing high performance and to minimize possible equipment failure, periodic maintenance must be performed on this equipment.
Frequency of maintenance may vary depending upon geographic areas, such as coastal applications. See Owner’s Manual for information.