BUNN Espress™
1.The use of a damp cloth rinsed in any mild, nonabrasive, liquid detergent is recommended for cleaning all surfaces on
2.A cleaning cycle must be ran nightly. To do this:
a)insert solid filter basket into filter holder.
b)Put 1 teaspoon of Cascade cleaning detergent into filter basket.
c)insert filter holder into group head
d)run brew cycle
e)repeatedly start and stop brew cycles while observing drain cup under drip tray
f)stop when water being discharged into drain cup shows no sign of detergent.
3.Clean the gasket that seals the filter and the group head , located under the group head. Ground coffee
4.It is necessary once a week to remove the group head screen (under the head, fastened with a one slotted screw), and look through the screen to see if it needs to be cleaned.
5.The drip tray is to be cleaned nightly. Remove the grill and drip pan, wash them out thoroughly, and place them back into the brewer.
6.The steam wands must be cleaned after each use. Wipe with a damp cloth immediately after use. At the end of the night, run each wand for about 15 seconds to clean them out.