SERVICE (cont.)
P2845.40 |
The OFF/SELECTOR switch is located in the front of the hood, above and to the left of the brew funnel.
Test Procedure:
5.Disconnect the black and white wires from the center terminals.
6.Disconnect the brown/white and white/violet wires from the right side terminals.
7.Check for continuity across the center and right terminals in rows one through four when the switch is in the "SWEETÓ position.
If continuity is present as described, replace the wires on the right side and proceed to #8.
If continuity is not present as described, replace the switch.
8.Disconnect the white/violet wires on the left side terminal.
9.Check for continuity across the center and left side terminals in rows one through four when the switch is in the "UNSWEETÓ position.
If continuity is present as described, replace the wires the switch is operating properly.
If continuity is not present as described, replace the switch.
Removal and Replacement:
1.Remove the wires from the switch terminals.
2.Compress the clips inside the hood and gently push the switch through the opening.
3.Push the new switch into the opening and spread the clips to hold the switch captive in the hood.
4.Refer to FIG. 21 when reconnecting the wires.
1.Disconnect the brewer from the power source.
2.With a voltmeter, check the voltage across the black wire and white wire on the selector switch.
3.Connect the brewer to the power source. The in- dication must be:
a)120 volts ac for two wire 120 volt models.
b)240 volts ac for two wire 240 volt models.
c)100 volts ac for two wire 100 volt models.
4.Disconnect the brewer from the power source.
If voltage is present as described, proceed to #5.
WHT/GRN to Brew Sol
WHT/VIO to Brew Timer TL1
BLK to Power Cord
Sweetener Sol
WHT to Power Cord
If voltage is not present as described, refer to the Wir- ing Diagrams and check the wiring harness.
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