azur DacMagic
Connect a USB
Important Note: The PC’s previous audio output device should now be temporarily disabled and the DacMagic becomes the default audio playback device for the PC. This can be confirmed in the Control Panel’s Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices properties window under the Volume tab.
The DacMagic is described as a
If you wish to disconnect your DacMagic and return to using your previous soundcard, etc., simply disconnect it or switch off the power on the front panel.
If the PC fails to disable the DacMagic and automatically
—Device Manager in Windows XP). Scroll down the device manager window and expand the heading Sound, Video and Game Controllers to display a list of the connected devices. The DacMagic will be listed as “USB Audio Device”. Click on this description to highlight in blue and then click on the Disable
icon ( ) at the top of the window. A warning message will appear: “Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you really want to disable it?” Click Yes to disable the DacMagic. The previous audio playback device will now be
Note: As Windows operating systems evolve, the path sequence to the device manager may change. However, the DacMagic will always appear as a “USB Audio Device” in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers window.
Note: It is also possible to disable the DacMagic in the device manager by