Campbell Hausfeld NB0040 operating instructions Length 91⁄2, Height 91⁄2 Maximum Pressure 110 psi

Models: NB0040

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Operating Instructions



Model NB0040

Protect your eyes and

Do not drive a nail


Avoid long extended periods of

ears. Wear Z87 safety

on top of other


work with the nailer. Stop using the

glasses, with side

nails. The nail could


nailer if you feel pain in hands or

shields. Wear hearing

glance and cause





protection. Employers

death or a serious


Always check that



and users are responsible for ensuring

puncture wound.





the Work Contact



the user or anyone near the nailer

Do not operate or





Element (WCE) is



wears this safety protection. Serious




allow anyone

operating proper-



eye injury or permanent hearing loss



else to operate


ly. A nail could



could result.




the nailer if any


accidentally be dri-





Do not use a check

warnings or


ven if the WCE



valve or any other fit-

warning labels


is not working



ting which allows air

are not legible. Warnings or warn-

properly. Personal


to remain in the nail-

ing labels are located on the nailer

injury may occur (see "Checking the

er. Death or serious

magazine and body.


Work Contact Element" Section.)

personal injury could

Never leave the nailer unattended

Disconnect air supply and release ten-


or connected to an air compressor

sion from the pusher before attempt-


Never place hands or

when not in use. Serious personal

ing to clear jams because fasteners

any other body parts

injury can occur if someone picks up

can be ejected from the front of the

in the nail discharge

and uses the nailer without know-

nailer. Personal injury may occur.

area of the nailer. The

ing the correct way to operate the


Notice indicates

nailer might eject a




important informa-

fastener which could

Do not drop or throw the tool.


tion, that if not followed, MAY cause

result in death or seri-

Dropping or throwing the tool can

damage to equipment.


ous personal injury.


result in damage that will make the





Avoid using the nailer when the mag-

Never carry the

tool unusable or unsafe. If the tool

nailer by the air

has been dropped or thrown, exam-

azine is empty. Accelerated wear on

hose or pull the

ine the tool closely for bent, cracked

the nailer may occur.


hose to move the

or broken parts and air leaks. STOP

Clean and check all air supply hoses

nailer or a compres-

and repair before using or serious

and fittings before connecting the

sor. Keep hoses

injury could occur.



nailer to an air supply. Replace any

away from heat, oil



Caution indicates

damaged or worn hoses or fittings.

and sharp edges.

a potentially haz-

Tool performance or durability may

Replace any hose that is damaged,

ardous situation which, if not avoided,

be reduced.



weak or worn. Personal injury or tool

MAY result in minor or moderate

Air compressors providing air to the

damage could occur.



Always assume the nailer contains

Do not modify or alter the nailer or

nailer should follow the requirements

established by the American National

nails. Never use the nailer as a toy. Do

any nailer parts. Do not use the nailer

Standards Institute Standard B19.3-

not engage in horseplay. Always keep

if any shields or guards are removed

1991; Safety Standard for

others at a safe distance from the

or altered. Do not use the nailer as a

Compressors for Process Industries.

work area in case of accidental dis-

hammer. Personal injury or tool

Contact your air compressor manufac-

charge of nails. Never point the nailer

damage may occur.



turer for information.


at anyone. Accidental triggering of









the nailer could result in death or seri-






ous personal injury.






Nailer Components And Specifications


Adjustable Exhaust












• REQUIRES: 1.3 SCFM with 10



Contact Trip







nails per minute @ 90 psi
















• NAIL SIZE RANGE: 5/8” to 2”












100 Nails per load, 18 gauge



• WEIGHT: 2 lbs., 13 oz.



• LENGTH: 912

Reload Indicator

• HEIGHT: 912




Work Contact


• PRESSURE RANGE: 70-110 psi


Element (WCE)





Nail Loading Area



Nail Discharge Area




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Campbell Hausfeld NB0040 Length 91⁄2, Height 91⁄2 Maximum Pressure 110 psi, Pressure Range 70-110 psi