ç Contents

ç Chapter Contents


When you focus manually, the AF frame mode (=110)

is [Center] and AF frame size (=111) is [Normal], and these settings cannot be changed.

Focusing is possible when using the digital zoom

(=59) or digital tele-converter (=109), or when using a TV as a display (=189), but the magnified display will not appear.

To focus more accurately, try attaching the camera to a tripod to stabilize it.

To hide the magnified display area, press the <n> button and set [MF-Point Zoom] on the [4] tab to [Off] (=45).

To deactivate automatic focus fine-tuning when the shutter button is pressed halfway, press the <n> button and set [Safety MF] on the [4] tab to [Off] (=45).

Still Images


Digital Tele-Converter

The focal length of the lens can be increased by approximately 1.6x or 2.0x. This can reduce camera shake because the shutter speed is faster than it would be if you zoomed (including using digital zoom) in to the same zoom factor.

zzPress the <n> button, choose [Digital Zoom] on the [4] tab, and then choose the desired option (=45).

zzThe view is enlarged and the zoom factor is displayed on the screen.