Other Methods for Scanning
This section describes the various scanning options.
Changing the Feeding Option for Scanning
Changing the feeding option setting in the scanner settings dialog box can be helpful when scanning multipage documents.
The following three feeding options are available:
●[Standard Feeding]
This is the standard feeding method. The scanning operation ends when the documents placed in either scanner finish scanning.
When the documents placed in either scanner finish scanning, the scanner enters a standby state and waits for additional documents to be placed. When you place additional documents and press the Start button, scanning continues.
●[Automatic Feeding]
When additional documents are placed after a document finishes feeding, the scanner automatically detects these documents and continues scanning.
This feeding option only applies to documents placed in the feeder of the connected Canon
Configuring the Feeding Option
This section describes how to set [Feeding Option] to [Panel- Feeding].
1 Open the scanner settings dialog box from your application.
When using CapturePerfect, for example, select [Scanner Setting] from the [Scan] menu. For details on how to open the settings dialog box from other applications, refer to the operation manual of the application.
2 Configure the [Main Scanner/Flatbed] setting.
If the document is placed in the feeder of the connected Canon