Viewing Images in Filtered Playback

Viewing Movies Made with Movie Digest

You can select movies made in mode (p. 70) by date for viewing.

Choose [Movie Digest Playback].

zAfter pressing the nbutton, choose [Movie Digest Playback] in the 1tab, then press the m button.

Choose a movie date.

zPress the opbuttons or turn the 5dial.

Play the movie.

zPress the m button. XThe movie will play.

Viewing Images in Filtered Playback

When there are many images on the memory card, you can filter and display them by a specified filter. You can also protect (p. 128) or erase (p. 132) images at once while filtered.

Jump to Favorites

Displays the images tagged as favorites (p. 134)





Jump Shot Date

Displays the images shot on a specified date.




Jump to My Category

Displays the images of a specified category (p. 135).




Jump to Still/Movie

Displays still images, movies or movies shot in





Jump 10 Images

Jumps over 10 images at a time.





Jump 100 Images

Jumps over 100 images at a time.