Setting the Camera to the Color Swap Mode

This mode allows you to transform a color specified in the LCD monitor into another.

Original Color

Desired Color


(Before Swapping)

(After Swapping)


(Color Swap)


See Menus and Settings (p. 26).

zThe camera will switch to color input mode and the display will alternate between the original image and the color swap image (using the previously set color).

2Aim the camera so that the original color appears at the center of the LCD monitor and press the button.

zOnly one color can be specified.

zYou can use the or button to specify the range of colors that are swapped.

-5: Only takes the color that you want to swap

+5: Also takes colors close to the one that you want to swap

3Aim the camera so that the desired color appears at the center of the LCD monitor and press the button.

zOnly one color can be specified.