Erasing All Images
You can erase all images at once. Since erased images cannot be recovered, exercise adequate caution before erasing. Protected images (p. 117) cannot be erased.
Choose a selection method
Choose [Erase].zPress the nbutton to choose [Erase] from the 1tab, then press the mbutton.
Choose a selection method.
zPress the opbuttons to choose a selection method, then press the m button.
zress the nbutton to restore the menu screen.
Choosing Images Individually
Choose [Select].
zFollow Step 2 above to choose [Select], then press the m button.
Choose an image.
zPress the qrbuttons to choose an image, then press the m button.
z will appear on the screen.
zPress the mbutton again to deselect the
image. will disappear.
zTo choose additional images, repeat the above procedure.